Tuesday, August 07, 2012

95 days to go

I saw this today on Facebook and thought it was funny till I realize I eat up all the junk before I start dieting.  Maybe that's why I start a new diet every Monday. (Just a thought!)

Do you  know how utterly disgusting a fat person recently converted to healthy eating and exercise can be?  Well, apparently I'm that fat person!

I made my best friend come over so we could cook a week's worth of healthy meals together.  I stalked a neighbor that I saw jogging down the road behind my house because I was looking for a female exercise buddy.   I made Mr. Wonderful exercise with me either at the gym or walking 2 miles in front of the TV with Leslie Sansone before work. Today I called my other neighbor about volunteering at the mission and eventually ended up talking her in to joining our local community gym.   Yep, that's me little miss "know it all".

I admit to being a novice in the losing battle.  I've had plenty of field experience just not a lot of long term discipline.  I've lost hundreds of pounds of fat and flab only it's been the same pounds that I keep losing and putting back on.  So here's to not only being a "good influence" but also a role model.  Wish me luck I'm on my weigh.

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