Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Savannah Trivia....Makes me homesick!

We lived in Savannah for 17 years. Our children grew up there and we still make yearly trips home. I saw this on FaceBook and it made me truly nostalgic. I wanted to save it for future reference so here it is.

 You know you’re from Savannah if
 1. You think no-one over 70 should be allowed to drive
 2. Flip-flops are everyday wear.
 3. Shoes are for business meetings and church.
 4. No, wait, flip flops are good for church too
 5. Sweet tea can be served at any meal. 
6. You measure distance in minutes.
 7. You get annoyed at the tourists who feed seagulls.
 8. A mountain is any hill 100 feet above sea level.
 9. A good parking place has nothing to do with distance from the           store, but everything to do with shade.
 10. You can tell the difference between fire ant bites and mosquito          bites
 11. It's not "pop." It's "soda" or "coke." 
12. Anything under 70 is chilly. 
13. You've hosted a hurricane party. 
14. You understand the futility of exterminating cockroaches. 
15. Bumper stickers on the pickup in front of you include various fish, the NRA, and       a confederate flag.
 16. You've worn shorts and used the A/C on Christmas.
 17. You know that anything under a Category 3 just isn't worth waking up for. 
18. You dread love bug season. 
19. You are on a first-name basis with the Hurricane list. They aren't Hurricane             Charley, Hurricane Frances...but Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne.
 20. You can properly pronounce Valdosta, Okefenokee, and Atlanta = ADD-LANNA       not AT-LANT-A. 
21. You think people who complain about the heat in their states are sissies. 
22. Stores don't have bags or shopping carts, they have sacks and buggies.
23. You've seen people wear bib overalls at weddings and funerals. 
24. You think everyone from a Yankee-state has an accent.
 25. You listen to the weather forecast before picking out an outfit.
 26. Someone you know has used a football schedule to plan their wedding date. 27. You know someone who has a belt buckle bigger than your fist.
 28. Almost everyone you know is either Baptist or Methodist.
 29. You know everything goes better with Ranch dressing.
 30. Ironically, you only crave Chik-Fil-A and alcohol on Sundays..when neither are         sold. 
31. "YALL is a word. 
32. Fried chicken is a major part of your diet 
33. Krispy Kreme donuts are the only kind of donuts you eat. 
34. You call it a cold Christmas if you don't break out in a sweat in your new sweater. 
35. You know the difference between a hillbilly, a redneck, and a Southerner. 
36. Your dog and your wallet are both on chains.
 37. You understand that at least once a year your car will turn yellow with pollen. 38. You know at least one Bubba, and maybe a few guys named Bo. 
39. You say "tuna fish sandwich."
 40. You use "Sir" and "Ma'am" if there's a remote possibility that person you're talking to is at least 30 minutes older than you are.
 41. Braves=good. Yankees=bad.
 42. You love sweet tea, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and all Southern comfort food...and Southern comfort 
43. We don’t appreciate it, we preciate it.
 44. Your last words might be, "Y’all watch this."
 45. You’ve ever had to switch from “heat” to A/C on the same day.
 46. You see a car running in the parking lot with no one in it no matter what time of year.
 47. You use “fix” as a verb. Example: “I am fixin’ to go to the store.”
 48. You only know four spices: Salt, Pepper, Ketchup, and Tabasco.
 49. The local papers cover national and international news on one page but require 6 pages for sports.
 50. You find 90 degrees “a little warm”.
 51. You know all four seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, Still Summer, and Christmas.
 52. You know what part of Georgia someone is from as soon as they open their mouth. (Southern, Middle, Northern GA)
 53. You describe the first cool snap (below 70 degrees) as good chili weather.
 54. Finally… You are 100% Savannahian if you have ever had this conversation: "You wanna coke?" "Yeah." "What kind?" "Dr Pepper.” 
 New ones: 1. Carey Hilliards. Need I say more?
 2. You know who's painted on the giant globe; furthermore, you were outraged at the thought of a company putting their name on it.
 3. You played on the boat in the shoe department at Belk!
 4. Statesboro is THE country. :
) 5. You STILL call the Savannah Mall the new mall. (And for the younger ones...the Oglethorpe Mall is THE mall, and Savannah Mall is just "Savannah Mall."
 6. You remember the smell from Union Camp.
 7. You went to the Victory Square REGAL for free kid's movies.
 8. You remember when the Truman Parkway began.
 9. You remember where it ended. 
10. You've ever been to Butterbean Beach
. 11. You remember Krispy Chic.
 12. You remember when it wasn't the Savannah Sand was the Savannah Cardinals...and before that the Savannah Braves!
 13. You are offended by the Gnats' pictures that include METS uniforms!
 14. Byrd's Cookies--Self Explanatory; but you remember they used to be on Ferguson. 
15. " If you can remember Douglas Weathers butchering the English language on the 6:00 News, but topping the ratings consistently, you might be from Savannah." 16. You remember the "Blizzard" of '89.
 17. You used to go skating at McAlpine Square.
 18. You remember when Armstrong and Savannah state were "colleges" not universities.
 19. You remember that Kroger was M&M.
 20. You remember the Kroger on Skidaway
21.You love Spanky's.
 22. You grew up loving Tanner's or Larry's. 
23. If you "marched" in the Georgia Day parade in costume in elementary school....

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