Thursday, May 13, 2010

To my sister

This is a shout out to my baby sister Bev. She would not let me take her picture so here's the next best thing....her refrigerator magnets. Bev has worked with the airlines for the last 20 plus years and always asks for a magnet from all her friends and family when they travel.

These are just her international magnets. I have no idea how many other magnets she has acquired. They say three of anything is a collection so this is an uber collection for sure.

Thanks for giving us your buddy passes so we could get to Canada and back. Being "bumped up" to first class was a treat too! Thanks for feeding us and letting us stay at your apartment. Thanks for getting us to and from the airport and checking out which flights were not over booked.

You made our trip possible and I will always be grateful.
Thanks Babe.....Love Ya!

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Melli said...

That was a WONDERFUL big sister! Not EVERYbody has a big sister like that! You are WELL LOVED Ms. Daisy!

So... when do you wanna get together... huh?

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