When I say my friend is “basically my sister” what I mean is:
We’ve been through some stuff. We’ve weathered storms and gone through dark seasons and when we came out the other side, we were still holding hands.
We have earned each other's trust. She holds my heart,
and I hold hers, and we know that is a sacred gift.
and I hold hers, and we know that is a sacred gift.
We have each other's back. No really, don’t talk smack about her because I will always have something to say.
We've held entire conversations while one of us is in the bathroom.
We know what the other one is thinking before they say a word.
We can rest in the fact that our relationship can handle us talking things out and hearing when the other person’s been hurt without slinging insults and getting defensive.
We can tell if something is off within a couple minutes of talking even if they haven't said a thing. Her: How are you? Me: Good! Her: Oh no, what's wrong?
We tell the truth, even when it isn't fun to hear. Most people can't do that without it coming off judgy, but with us…we know it comes from a place of love, so we listen.
We know each other's favorites songs, our coffee orders (or tea), and what drives us crazy.
We have a lot of dirt on each other, but we'd never share it.
We are comfortable walking in each other's front doors in our socks and grabbing a Lacroix out of the fridge without asking.
We love each other's kids like our own.
We cherish each other and we're in it for the long haul.
Friendship is precious, sisterhood is sacred.
Jess & Amy